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Visit Allison M. Okamura Popular site    atom Last Update 2006/1/20 19:21
Category  People
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Secondary Appointment in Computer Science
Director of the Haptic Exploration Laboratory
Faculty Member of the NSF Engineering Research Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology (Surgical Assistants Thrust Leader, 2004-present)
Johns Hopkins University, 2000-present
Research Interests: Haptic feedback in virtual environments, Human-machine collaborative systems, Reality-based modeling, Robotic fingers and hands; tactile sensing, Medical robotics and surgical assistance, Education and learning using haptics.

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Visit Amy McGovern Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/1/30 17:32
Category  People
Assistant Professor Director, IDEA lab, School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma
Research Field: machine learning, knowledge representation, integration of learning and teaching

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Visit Basak Yuksel Popular site    rss Last Update 2009/3/3 17:17
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Promote  Basak Yuksel   
Postdoctoral Researcher @ The University of Tokyo, Mechano-Informatics Department, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Tokyo/Japan

Research Interests: Humanoid robots: locomotion and control techniques, intelligent control

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Visit Daniela Rus Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/1/20 18:33
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Associate Professor in the EECS Department at MIT.
Member of CSAIL at MIT
Research Interests: distributed robotics, mobile computing, and self-organization.

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Visit Elizabeth A. Croft Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/7/5 17:37
Category  People
Associate Director, Industrial Automation Laboratory;
Co-Coordinator, Electro-Mechanical Engineering Option
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of British Columbia
Research Interests: Industrial Robot Motion Planning and Control, Robot-Human Interaction, Intelligent Robotic Systems, Sensor and Device Fusion and Machine Vision for Industrial Work-Cell Applications, Mechatronics

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Visit Haptic Exploration Laboratory Popular site    atom Last Update 2006/7/17 11:18
Category  Laboratory
The Haptic Exploration Laboratory works with both robotic haptics and human-machine haptic interfaces. In the area of robotic haptics, we enable robots to explore the world through touch, using specialized robotic fingers and sensors and the appropriate planning and control. We are developing new finger designs and algorithms for autonomous and teleoperated haptic exploration. In the area of human-machine haptic interfaces, haptic interfaces are used to add the sense of touch to virtual and teleoperated environments. By creating physically-based mathematical models of interactions in real environments, we can enhance the realism of virtual environments. In addition, haptic feedback and active augmentation modes can improve the performance of robotic assistants in tele- and cooperative manipulation. These systems are evaluated using control theoretic and experimental approaches. This research has applications in many areas, including computer-assisted and simulated surgery, autonomous exploration of hazardous or remote environments, undersea salvage, enabling technologies, and manufacturing and design. Sponsors of our work include NSF, NIH and the Whitaker Foundation. The lab director is Dr. Allison Okamura.

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Visit IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Popular site Recommend site    rss Last Update 2007/3/18 13:29
Category  Community
The Society is interested in both applied and theoretical issues in robotics and automation. Robotics is here defined to include intelligent machines and systems used, for example, in space exploration, human services, or manufacturing; whereas automation includes the use of automated methods in various applications, for example, factory, office, home, laboratory automation, or transportation systems to improve performance and productivity.
Robotics and Automation involves designing and implementing intelligent machines which can do work too dirty, too dangerous, too precise or too tedious for humans. It also pushes the boundary on the level of intelligence and capability for many forms of autonomous, semi-autonomous and teleoperated machines. Intelligent machines have applications in medicine, defense, space and underwater exploration, service industries, disaster relief, manufacturing and assembly and entertainment.

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Visit IEEE Women in Engineering Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/1/14 14:40
Category  Community

Affinity Groups provide the opportunity for members to network at the local level.
There are now more than 90 WIE Affinity Groups around the world. Visit the complete list of WIE

Affinity Groups which contains links to local Affinity Group websites.

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Visit Jing Xiao Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/1/20 19:22
Category  People
Professor of Computer Science, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Research Interests: Intelligent systems in general and span robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence.

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Visit Kosuge & Hirata Laboratory Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/1/14 23:29
Category  Laboratory
Kosuge & Wang Lab.
Department of Bioengineering and Robotics, Tohoku University

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