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Visit Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach Popular site Mutual site    rss Last Update 2006/7/18 16:18
Category  Publication
The article entitled "Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach" was published in RASeNews, the IEEE Robotics and Automation email newsletter on June 14, 2006.

Bibliography: Mihoko Otake and Keiko Homma, "Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach", RASeNews, the IEEE Robotics and Automation email newsletter, June 14, 2006.

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Visit RASeNews, the IEEE Robotics and Automation email newsletter Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/7/18 16:24
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The first edition of the IEEE Robotics and Automation email newsletter was sent out on October 14, 2003 to everyone in the Society whose correct email address is in the IEEE data base.
The newsletter will be sent out every month to six weeks by the IEEE. It includes includes action items for RAS members, breaking news, calendar updates and other time sensitive information. The goal is to inform members, not to annoy them. They are keeping it plain ascii text in order to make it convenient for people who use Pine or whose computer security does not permit attachments and to avoid downloading delays and other nasties.(although the newsletter is scanned with the same filters as the email through IEEE aliases.)

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Visit Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach Popular site    Last Update 2007/3/18 14:28
Category  Publication
The article entitled "Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach" was published in IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine.

Bibliography: Mihoko Otake, Keiko Homma. "Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach". IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 15, 2006.

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Visit IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine Popular site    Last Update 2007/3/18 14:32
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IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine (RAM) was established in 1994 by the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society to provide a forum for publications which lay between the academic and theoretical orientation of scholarly journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Robotics & IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering and the vendor sponsored trade publications. RAM has consistently ranked by Thompson Journal of Citation Reports as among the top four Robotics publications world wide.

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