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The article entitled "Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach" was published in RASeNews, the IEEE Robotics and Automation email newsletter on June 14, 2006.

Bibliography: Mihoko Otake and Keiko Homma, "Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach", RASeNews, the IEEE Robotics and Automation email newsletter, June 14, 2006.

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New RAS TC on Marine Robotics and Robot Learning (2008/6/9 8:00)
The Robotics and Automation Society AdCom has aproved two new Technical Committee (TC). Organizers of the Marine Robotics TC include Gianluca Antonelli, antonelli@unicas.it corresponding and membership chair, Andrew Bennett,Hayato Kondo, Giacomo Marani,Richard Rikoski,Dan Stilwell, andJunku Yuh. Please notice that all members will receive a biannual newsletter. Mostof the information will be collected in the webpage. Members are encouraged to sendlinks to their laboratories and other activities they would like to see in the webpage. Organizers of the Robot Learning TC include Russ Russ Tedrake, JunMorimoto, Jun, Jan Peters Corresponding Co-Chair , and Nicholas Roy, Corresponding Co-Chair TCs encourage research in specific areas, particularly those which are] new and evolving. Membership is free and open to anyone. As research areas mature and change and the interests and priorities of the TC members change, TCs are retired. Sometimes they are transformed into new TCs w ...
New RAS TC on Marine Robotics (2008/6/9 8:00)
The Robotics and Automation Society AdCom has aproved a new Technical Committee (TC) on Marine Robotics. Organizers include Gianluca Antonelli,Andrew Bennett,Hayato Kondo,Giacomo Marani,Richard Rikosk ...
TheRASOR Makes the Scene at ICRA2008 Student Party (2008/5/28 8:00)
ICRA2008 in Pasadena,California featured a Student Party (oldies didn't get free drink tickets) withentertainment by the now legendary international rock band, RASOR! -- Robotics AndAutomation Soc ...
KUKA To Sponsor Best Service Robotics ICRA Paper Award (2007/12/2 8:00)
The KUKA Roboter GmbH, a leading robotics company based in Germany, has agreed to sponsor a new paper award in the area of Service Robotics at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Autom ...
Call for Nominations: RAM Associate Editors (2007/9/23 8:00)
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazines is soliciting nominations for two new Associate Editors, to serve a 3-year term beginning in January 2008. Please send nominations, including self-nominations to ...
CFP: IROS 2008 (2007/9/22 8:00)
The 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems will be held September 22-26, 2008 in Nice, France. The conference theme is "Robots for the planet", reflecting the growin ...
IEEE Election Ballots in the Mail (2007/8/29 8:00)
RAS voting members are eligible to participate annually in election of officers that serve on the top-tier IEEE governing bodies. These include the IEEE President-Elect, and Technical Activities Board ...

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