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Visit Basak Yuksel Popular site    rss Last Update 2009/3/3 17:17
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Promote  Basak Yuksel   
Postdoctoral Researcher @ The University of Tokyo, Mechano-Informatics Department, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Tokyo/Japan

Research Interests: Humanoid robots: locomotion and control techniques, intelligent control

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Visit Billur Barshan Popular site    Last Update 2006/5/6 6:03
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Promote  Billur Barshan   
Department of Electrical Engineering
Bilkent University
Bilkent, TR-06800 Ankara,Turkey

Research Interests:
sensor-based robotics, ultrasonic, optical, and inertial sensing, sensor data fusion

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Visit Carlotta A. Berry Popular site    Last Update 2006/2/9 11:55
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Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science
Tennessee State University
Research Interests: Development of human-robot interfaces (HRI) for mobile robot applications

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Visit Cecilia Laschi Popular site    Last Update 2006/1/20 18:43
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Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering, ARTS Lab (Advanced Robotics Technology and Systems Laboratory), Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Research Interests: Artificial Perception and Sensory Motor coordination in anthropomorphic robotics.

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Visit Chandana Paul Popular site    Last Update 2006/1/30 17:35
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Postdoctoral Researcher, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, NY, USA.
Reserch Interests: the investigation of the principles of biological intelligence and motor control, and the application of these principles to robotic systems

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Visit Charlotte Hemelrijk Popular site    Last Update 2006/1/30 17:37
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Scientific staff, Theoretical Biology Group, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Research Field: Self-Organization in Social Systems

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Visit Cynthia Breazeal Popular site    Last Update 2006/2/1 17:00
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Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab, Director of the Robotic Life Group
Research Interests: human-robot interactions, sociable robots, cooperative anthromorphic robots

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Visit Danica Kragic Popular site    Last Update 2006/6/5 21:57
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Assistant Professor at the Centre for Autonomous Systems
and Computer Vision and Active Perception Lab, Department for Numerical Analysis and Computer Science at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm

Research interests: robust vision based control, human-robot interaction, vision systems, path planning and modeling of redundnt robotic systems

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Visit Daniela Constantinescu Popular site    Last Update 2006/7/6 1:27
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Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Victoria
Research Interests: Dr. Constantinescu's research interests lie in the areas of robotics and mechatronics. Within these areas, she is interested in using robotic technologies, particularly haptics (computer-generated touch), for rehabilitation and for improving human manipulation performance.

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Visit Daniela Rus Popular site    rss Last Update 2006/1/20 18:33
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Associate Professor in the EECS Department at MIT.
Member of CSAIL at MIT
Research Interests: distributed robotics, mobile computing, and self-organization.

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