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Alumnus tours world, has a?Blast?  from TDPS 2013  (2012/5/4 5:30) 
Danny Nguyen, right, in “Blast.” When Danny Nguyen graduated from TDPS in 2010, he wasn?t sure where his path would lead him. Two years later, he?s on his way to Korea and Japan as part of the touring cast of Blast , a spectacular production merging marching bands, percussion and dance. ?It didn?t start out as glamorous,? says Nguyen. ?We rehearsed in Bloomington, Indiana for four weeks, followed by two weeks of tech in Alma, Arkansas, in a high school. After that we opened in Nashville, which is when things started to really get fun.? Since then, Nguyen toured with the show throughout their national tour as one of about 35 performers, in a new town every few days. ?We travel every day, and usually get a day or so in each city to look around and practice before we start the production. It?s been a lot of fun,? he says. ?We?re heading out to perform at the World Expo in Yeosu, Korea in May for about ten days of shows, then we come back for six days, and then we ...
Alumnus tours world, has a?Blast?  from Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies  (2012/5/4 5:30) 
Danny Nguyen, right, in "Blast." When Danny Nguyen graduated from TDPS in 2010, he wasn?t sure where his path would lead him. Two years later, he?s on his way to Korea and Japan as part of the touring cast of Blast , a spectacular production merging marching bands, percussion and dance. ?It didn?t start out as glamorous,? says Nguyen. ?We rehearsed in Bloomington, Indiana for four weeks, followed by two weeks of tech in Alma, Arkansas, in a high school. After that we opened in Nashville, which is when things started to really get fun.? Since then, Nguyen toured with the show throughout their national tour as one of about 35 performers, in a new town every few days. ?We travel every day, and usually get a day or so in each city to look around and practice before we start the production. It?s been a lot of fun,? he says. ?We?re heading out to perform at the World Expo in Yeosu, Korea in May for about ten days of shows, then we come back for six days, ...
Fraunhofer-Kinderbuch jetzt im Buchhandel»Romy, Julian und der Superverstärker«  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2012/5/3 23:44) 
Kinder und Jugendliche schon frühzeitig für Wissenschaft und Technik zu begeistern, das ist die Motivation hinter dem Fraunhofer-Kinderbuch. Herausgekommen ist eine spannende Abenteuergeschichte kombiniert mit Experimenten und Erklärungen von Wissenschaftlern. Ab sofort ist das Buch in gut sortierten Buchläden oder Online im Handel.
TDPS Students Pursue Summer Opportunities  from TDPS 2013  (2012/5/3 6:28) 
Though the academic year is ending, TDPS students are finding ways to continue growing and learning outside of the classroom.  Many TDPS students utilize the summer months to further their training in theater and dance, as well as pursue professional opportunities through internships and performance opportunities. In the case of Aries Limon, a tip from Costume Design Lecturer Annie Smart led her to an internship in costumes at California Shakespeare Theater, where she will be learning how a costume shop at a busy professional summer theater runs.  She will be joined by Theater Major Kendall Ewing, who was also accepted to the internship program. Both students have taken the costume design course in TDPS and worked in the TDPS costume shop, and are hoping to continue to develop their skills.  Says Limon, ?My goal is to attend graduate school for a technical theater degree, and hopefully this internship will provide me with more experience in different aspects of costume construction. ...
TDPS Students Pursue Summer Opportunities  from Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies  (2012/5/3 6:28) 
Though the academic year is ending, TDPS students are finding ways to continue growing and learning outside of the classroom.  Many TDPS students utilize the summer months to further their training in theater and dance, as well as pursue professional opportunities through internships and performance opportunities. In the case of Aries Limon, a tip from Costume Design Lecturer Annie Smart led her to an internship in costumes at California Shakespeare Theater, where she will be learning how a costume shop at a busy professional summer theater runs.  She will be joined by Theater Major Kendall Ewing, who was also accepted to the internship program. Both students have taken the costume design course in TDPS and worked in the TDPS costume shop, and are hoping to continue to develop their skills.  Says Limon, ?My goal is to attend graduate school for a technical theater degree, and hopefully this internship will provide me with more experience in different aspects of costume constructio ...
Solaranlagen optimal planen  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2012/5/3 2:19) 
Die Photovoltaik boomt, der Markt für Solarparks wächst weltweit rasant. Doch die Planung möglichst wirtschaftlicher PV-Kraftwerke ist nicht trivial, da eine Vielzahl von Faktoren zu berücksichtigen ist. Fraunhofer-Forscher haben gemeinsam mit Siemens Energy Photovoltaics eine Software entwickelt, die die Konzeption vereinfacht.
Mini-Projektor für Smartphones  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2012/5/3 2:08) 
Smartphones sind mitunter mühsam zu bedienen, denn das Display ist sehr klein. Künftig soll ein Projektor helfen: Steht das Handy etwa auf dem Tisch, wirft er das Display-Bild großformatig auf die Tischoberfläche.Über die Projektion kann der Nutzer das Smartphone ebenso bedienen wieüber den Bildschirm selbst.
Qualität von Lebensmitteln schnellüberprüft  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2012/5/3 1:26) 
Ob bei Obst, Fleisch oder Käse?die Qualität ist nicht immer so wie der Verbraucher es wünscht. Ein Spektrometer soll Kunden künftig verraten, wie es um die Güte von Lebensmitteln bestellt ist. Das Gerät ist nicht größer als ein Stück Würfelzucker, lässt sich günstig produzieren und könnte in Zukunft gar in Smartphones Platz finden.
Hüftimplantat mit Langzeitwirkung  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2012/5/3 1:07) 
Der Hüftgelenkersatz gehört in Deutschland zu den häufigsten Operationen. Rund 200 000 Prothesen setzenÄrzte jährlich ein. Nicht selten müssen die künstlichen Hüften bereits nach zehn Jahren ausgetauscht werden. Ein neuartiges Implantat aus Kunststoff und Keramik soll künftig vorzeitige Folgeeingriffe vermeiden helfen.
Fliegende 3D-Augen  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2012/5/3 0:48) 
Ob als Einsatzhelfer bei Großveranstaltungen oder als hochauflösende 3D-Vermesser von Straßenzügen: Intelligente Schwärme aus Flugrobotern eignen sich als universelles Werkzeug für Polizei, Krisenmanager oder Städteplaner. Für einwandfreie Flugmanöver ohne Kollisionen sorgt ein spezieller 3D-Sensor von Fraunhofer-Forschern.

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