TDPS Professors Joe Goode, Shannon Jackson and Shannon Steen Win 2014-2015 Humanities Research Fell
from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
(2014/5/1 2:41)
TDPS is proud to announce that three faculty members have won Humanities Research Fellowships to support their research during their sabbatical year. Awarded by The Division of Arts and Humanities in the College of Letters and Sciences, the fellowship is granted to UC Berkeley professors engaged in humanistic disciplines or who work in the creative arts.
During his sabbatical year, Professor Joe Goode will document his creative process in Crossbred: an insight into how dance/theater is made . A choreographer who specializes in creating cross-disciplinary performances, Goode hopes his series of essays will preserve his dance/theater making process for future generations of dance educators and artists. Writes Goode, ?These essays will largely be written to reveal the thinking of the director (myself), but I am also interested in including contributions from my company of performers (many of whom have worked with me for almost a decade), as their contribution to the development of a ...
from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
(2014/5/1 2:40)
Friday, May 2, 8:00 pm [reception following performance]
Saturday, May 3 & Sunday, May 4, 7:30 pm
$20 general admission (two for $36)
$12 seniors and students
Zaccho Studio
1777 Yosemite #330
San Francisco, CA 94124
Call ahead for wheelchair access 415.822.6744
Intrinsic Motion Project constructs a world in which you as the audience will play an active role in the creation of moving vignettes. Our intention is to explore motion caused by specific forces. While developing this work, we asked ourselves these questions: What is the essential importance of the initial impulse that propels the motion, and what is the result of that impulse? Will the sequence of movements converge or diverge to create a fluid composition? A CHIME Mentorship with Elizabeth Streb in 2012 inspired and informed the creation of this project.
This program was funded by the Zellerbach Family Foundation and the W&F Hewlett Foundation .
Buy tickets here.
from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
(2014/5/1 2:32)
Submit art to this year’s issue of NSN , the UCB Department of Ethnic Studies Journal.
THEME: ?Across Difference?
This issue of NSN will include work that critically engages with a wide array of topics (i.e., gender, race, class,sexuality, (dis)ability, pedagogy, colonialism). Serious consideration will be given to figurative or abstract artwork that transgresses genres and mediums, pushes boundaries, and specifically labors to build coalitions in the spirit of solidarity.
What kind of artwork to enter?
All artwork and visual media must speak to the theme of the journal and be submitted by the June 1st deadline for consideration in the fall 2014 issue of nineteen sixty nine (NSN). Submissions can be in any format including (jpg, pdf, mov, asf, and psd). The top 5 submissions will be featured, with one winning piece chosen as the ?official? cover art for this year?s publication.
Types of work we invite include bu ...
from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
(2014/5/1 2:21)
BrickaBrack is seeking a props person to join the team for never fall so heavily again.
Here are the details:
never fall so heavily again
A World-Premiere Ensemble Created Dance-Theatre Play
BrickaBrack is looking for a Props Designer (tech May 12 – 16 , evening performances starting May 16 at Dance Mission).
Its not a huge job, mostly some hand props and a few furniture pieces we’ll be seeking… and an opportunity for some cool creativity with a few items. Fun, collaborative design team & staff.
You can read more about BrickaBrack and the project on our website:
Stipend: $150
Hocheffiziente Wasseraufbereitung mit Licht
from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen
(2014/4/30 23:00)
Manche hartnäckigen Schadstoffe im Abwasser können auch von Kläranlagen nicht abgebaut werden. Fraunhofer-Forscher haben ein Reaktorsystem entwickelt, in dem sich Wasser mit Hilfe von UV-Licht zuverlässig und mit hohem Durchsatz aufbereiten lässt?ohne dass chemische Katalysatoren zugesetzt werden müssen. Einen ersten industriellen Prototyp präsentieren sie auf der diesjährigen IFAT vom 5. bis 9. Mai in München (Halle A5, Stand 219/318).
from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen
(2014/4/30 16:30)
Arbeitsräume und Lernmittel per App finden +++ Keramik verlängert das Leben von Hochleistungs-LEDs +++ Effiziente Wäscherei-Logistik dank RFID
Keramikschrauben?korrosions- und hitzebeständig
from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen
(2014/4/30 16:30)
Schrauben sind meist aus Stahl. Große Hitze oder Säure setzt diesem sonst so stabilen Material jedoch stark zu. Eine Alternative: Keramische Schrauben. Welche Kräfte sie aushalten, können Forscher nun präzise vorhersagen.
Schneller zum richtigen Krebsmedikament
from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen
(2014/4/30 16:30)
Wie sich eine Krebserkrankung entwickelt, ist oft schwer vorherzusagen. Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Fraunhofer-Forschung helfen, den Krankheitsverlauf besser zu verstehen und für den Patienten die individuell richtige Therapie zu finden.
Flugzeugtragflächen automatisiert montieren
from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen
(2014/4/30 16:30)
Flugzeugtragflächen werden bislang manuell montiert. Künftig lässt sich der Prozess automatisieren. Ein neuartiger, schlangenförmiger Roboter gelangt selbst in die hintersten Winkel der Tragflächen, um dort Komponenten zu verschrauben.
Lagebestimmung im Orbit leicht gemacht
from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen
(2014/4/30 16:30)
Mikrosatelliten müssen leicht sein, jedes Gramm zählt. Dies gilt auch für Gyroskope?Sensoren, die die Lage der Satelliten im Orbit bestimmen. Ein neuartiges Modell ist sieben Mal leichter und deutlich kleiner als bisherige Systeme.