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Nervengewebe bei Darmoperationen schonen  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2015/3/2 17:30) 
Mehr als die Hälfte der Patienten leidet nach einer Darm-OP an den Folgen von irreparablen Nervenverletzungen. Wissenschaftler haben ein Assistenzsystem entwickelt, das die Operateure während des Eingriffs im kleinen Becken vor Verletzungsrisiken warnt. Derzeit arbeiten die Experten an einer Lösung für die minimalinvasive Chirurgie.
Hochpräzises Radar für die Stahlindustrie  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2015/3/2 17:30) 
Stahl ist der wichtigste Werkstoff im Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau. Bei der Rohproduktion, etwa dem Walzen der Stahlbänder, entstehen großen Mengen an Verschnitt. Ein neues Radar von Fraunhofer-Forschern misst die Breite der Bänder während der Fertigung mikrometergenau und hilft, den Ausschuss zu minimieren.
Belastung durch Pestizide genauer vorhersagen  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2015/3/2 17:30) 
Die EU will die Zulassung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln weiter optimieren. Dazu sollen die unterschiedlichen nationalen Verfahren weiter harmonisiert werden. Fraunhofer-Forscher haben eine Software zur Abschätzung des Eintrags von Pestiziden in Oberflächengewässer für Deutschland entwickelt?eine Blaupause für andere EU-Länder?
Die Kraft in der Weste  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2015/3/2 17:30) 
Das Heben schwerer Lasten, einseitige Bewegungen?jedes Jahr bekommen Millionen EU-Bürger ernsthafte gesundheitliche Beschwerden durch ihre Tätigkeit. Gemeinsam mit Partnern aus der Industrie entwickeln Fraunhofer-Forscher eine Weste, die Pflegekräfte und andere Menschen mit körperlich anstrengenden Berufen entlasten soll.
Nachhaltige, smarte Städte  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2015/2/19 8:00) 
Heute startete das Wissenschaftsjahr»Zukunftsstadt«. Fraunhofer legt bereits seit Jahren wichtige Grundlagen für ein nachhaltiges Leben in Metropolen. Ein aktuelles Beispiel ist das EU-Projekt»Triangulum«. Darin entwickeln Forscherinnen und Forscher Lösungen, um Großstädte smart und lebenswert zu machen.
Fraunhofer und Bundesregierung ebnen den Weg für den Industrial Data Space  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2015/2/18 20:10) 
Die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und Partner aus der Industrie starten gemeinsam mit Unterstützung der Bundesregierung (Bundesministerien für Bildung und Forschung BMBF, für Wirtschaft und Energie BMWi, für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur BMVI sowie des Inneren BMI) ein Vorhaben, um einen international offenen Datenraum für die Wirtschaft zu schaffen?den Industrial Data Space. Zugang und Nutzung sollen für alle Unternehmen offen sein, die sich an die gemeinsamen Standards halten. Ziel ist es, sichere Lösungen für die alles durchdringende Digitalisierung und den damit einhergehenden rasanten Wandel von industriellen Produktions- und Geschäftsprozessen zu entwickeln.
?Performance, Television and Social Media?Offered Online This Summer  from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies  (2015/2/14 9:22) 
This semester, Professor Abigail De Kosnik is working to turn her Performance, Television and Social Media class into an online course for summer 2015. The class introduces students to the idea that media and online spaces are performative, with a focus on how race, gender, sexuality and nationality are performed. We asked Professor Kosnik to tell us more about her course and the topics it explores, as well as the process of transforming an in-person class into an online class. Register for Berkeley Summer Sessions » See full listing of TDPS summer courses » Professor Abigail De Kosnik ? P erformance, Television and Social Media is a course that puts two kinds of theory, performance theory and media theory, into conversation with one another in new ways. It gives students what I consider to be the core concepts of television studies?things like Raymond Williams? concept of flow, and the idea of liveness being the defining feature of television?as well as the ...
February Alumnus Spotlight: Melanie Anne Padernal, Class of?11  from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies  (2015/2/14 9:20) 
TDPS Alumnus Melanie Anne Padernal (?11) recently traveled to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah for the second time as Executive Producer and Host of Cal at Sundance , an annual interview-based web series that profiles and celebrates UC Berkeley alumni and affiliate filmmakers participating in the renowned festival. The series aims to showcase Cal Bears in the arts and entertainment as well as to build a community between these artists and other UC Berkeley students and alumni interested in film. ?As a student, I knew there were Cal alumni being accepted into Sundance and I wanted to learn from them and better understand what steps they took to propel their careers,? Melanie explains. After graduating, she pitched her interview series idea to Duc Bieu Pham and Jigar Mehta, founders of Cal at Sundance [event] and the Cal Alumni Association. They all shared her excitement for the project, so in 2013 she borrowed her mom?s Nikon camera and interviewed several UC Be ...
February Student Spotlight: Juan Aldape  from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies  (2015/2/14 9:15) 
Juan Aldape is a graduate student pursuing his PhD in Performance Studies at UC Berkeley. As practitioner and researcher, his work focuses on movement, migration and mapping discourses related to undocumented spaces and choreographic processes. Aldape holds a MA in International Performance Research from the University of Warwick (UK), as well as a BFA in Modern Dance and BA in Anthropology from the University of Utah (USA). In October 2014, Performance Studies graduate student Juan Aldape travelled to Morelia, Mexico for a performance collaboration at the Mexican Centre for Music and Sonic Arts (CMMAS) with performance artist Carol Borja. The collaboration was an adaptation of British playwright Sarah Kane?s 4.48 Psychosis to a Mexican context. Composed of two dozen sections, all without any specified characters, dialogue or stage directions, the play explicitly, rawly addresses clinical depression and suicide. Borja adapted the text and produced an accompanying sound score, wh ...
Dr. Ostafichuk awarded 3M Teaching FellowshipDr.-Pete-Ostafichuk-with-students  from UBC Mechanical Engineering  (2015/2/13 11:05) 
Mech professor, Dr. Peter Ostafichuk, has recently been named a 3M Teaching Fellow by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. He is recognised as being “a catalyst for change in engineering education” for his innovative teaching approaches. Peter Ostafichuk is a catalyst for change in engineering education. His students? projects compel them to design engineering solutions for society?s most pressing needs. Examples include a device to detect and remove landmines, a vehicle to rescue survivors of a natural disaster, and a mechanical chair to help persons with neurological diseases perform therapeutic exercises. He writes, ?I believe my peers and I have a duty to instil in our students the societal, environmental, and ethical responsibilities that all engineers carry.? Dr. Pete, as he is known to a generation of students, is deeply committed to a personalized and very human approach to engineering education. At UBC, he was instrumental in transformi ...

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