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October Alumnus Spotlight: Robert Cohen,?61
from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
(2015/10/13 9:30)
TDPS Alumnus Robert Cohen (?61), the founding chair of Drama at the University of California, Irvine, has had a long career in theater ? as an educator, director, actor, theorist, playwright, critic, and author of a dozen-plus books on acting, auditioning and theater. However, before he arrived at UC Berkeley, Robert seemed destined for another path. Despite a love of theater throughout his youth, he chose to attend college at Dartmouth and had decided to become a lawyer, like his father. A random road trip in his junior year led him to Berkeley ? where he stayed.
Below, in select segments from his 2014 memoir, Falling into Theatre…and finding myself, Robert recounts his first impressions of Berkeley, the Department of Dramatic Art (as TDPS was known then), and how one fateful night catapulted him into a lifelong career in the theater.
?Berkeley was heaven. I had left the elite, preppy, snow-bound, all-male, frat-rat Dartmouth for a warm, urban, coeducational, multina ...
October Faculty/Staff Spotlight: Annie Smart
from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
(2015/10/13 7:53)
Scenic design for RHINOCEROS (TDPS, 2014) by Annie Smart.
Annie Smart is a professional scenic and costume designer and has been a Continuing Lecturer in UC Berkeley?s Department of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies since 2004. Born and raised in England, she is now based in the Bay Area. Her scenic design can be seen in TDPS?s upcoming production of THE CHERRY ORCHARD.
Tell me about what you do.
I am a set and costume designer based in the Bay Area. Traditionally, American theaters employ separate set and costume designers for a production, whereas the UK more traditionally employs a single designer to do both. I very occasionally get to do both these days.
I tend to be interested in new plays because there?s nothing like designing a new play that no one has ever seen before. There is a zeitgeist that exists around any show ? not just the writer?s story, but also a hidden history within the play, almost like the ghost in the walls. Have you ever heard of morph ...
October Student Spotlight: James Lewis
from UC Berkeley Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
(2015/10/13 7:36)
James Lewis is a senior double majoring in Theater and Performance Studies and English. He is performing in TDPS?s upcoming production of The Cherry Orchard and is a TDPS Student Liaison for the 2015/2016 year.
James Lewis has always felt comfortable on stage. From middle school shows to TDPS productions to performances at the San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, he unfailingly delights in connecting with an audience. ?I think in theatre I’ve found a way of reaching out to people that makes sense to me ? through story, through language, through embodiment,? James says. ?Being onstage is where I am most vulnerable, and yet empowered by the idea that anything is possible. I’ve yet to get tired of that feeling.?
Currently, James is in rehearsals for TDPS?s upcoming production of Anton Chekhov?s The Cherry Orchard , which opens on October 23 and runs through November 1. As idealistic and intellectual Trofimov, James portrays a perpetual student ? ?a post post post gr ...
Aktuelle Entscheidungen zum Institutsportfolio
from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen
(2015/10/8 16:30)
In seiner Sitzung vom 7. Oktober 2015 traf der Fraunhofer-Senat mit Wirkung zum Jahresbeginn 2016 Entscheidungen, die fachliche Stärken ausbauen und regionale Profile schärfen. Insgesamt verfügt die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ab 2016über bundesweit 67 Institute.
Produktinformationsstelle Altersvorsorge in Kaiserslautern gegründet
from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen
(2015/10/8 16:30)
Ziel der geförderten privaten Altersvorsorge ist es, für die Zeit nach dem Berufsleben eine?nanzielle Absicherung zu bieten, um den einmal erreichten Lebensstandard halten zu können. Ab Januar 2017 muss bei Abschluss eines Vertrages zu jedem geförderten Vorsorgeprodukt ein Informationsblatt vorliegen, das dem Verbraucher einen Produktvergleich ermöglicht. Die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft hat Anfang Oktober 2015 die»Produktinformationsstelle Altersvorsorge gemeinnützige GmbH«(PIA) gegründet. Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen soll diese neutrale Stelle die Altersvorsorge-Angebote bewerten.
October Lab TourDSC_5773
from UBC Mechanical Engineering
(2015/10/8 4:12)
The Mechanical Engineering Department regularly hosts guided lab tours for high school students, first year students, incoming mechanical engineering students, or anyone interested in mechanical engineering. We will be hosting our first tour of the year on October 23rd from 1:00-2:30 pm .
Come meet some of our current MECH students and get their perspective on the department and program as they show you around our facilities. See the cool gadgets our student teams are working on and learn about the many different areas in which a mechanical engineer can apply his or her knowledge. Get a look at the cutting-edge technology inside our labs and see the kinds of research mechanical engineers can do. It’s a great chance to find out what our department is all about and what you can do with a mechanical engineering degree from UBC!
For those interested, there will also be a half-hour long advising session held after the tour where participants can ask questions about admission ...
Robots and Whales: Tracking Whales with Quadrotors
from Daniela Rus
(2015/10/8 1:57)
Observing whales is important for marine biology tasks such as taking census, determining family lineage, and general behavior observations.
Currently, whales are observed manually using binoculars and cameras from the shore or from boats, and notes are made using pencil and paper. The process is error prone, non-quantitative and very labor intensive.
We partnered with Roger Payne to observe whales and other marine animals using robots. Between August 20-25 2009, our team deployed a remote controlled Falcon 8 robot over the sea at Peninsula Valdez, Argentina to collect data on Southern Right whales. We used small hovering unmanned aerial vehicles such as the Ascending Technologies Falcon 8 robot to assist in the data collection of whales. The robot is silent enough to fly close above the water?s surface and not disturb the whales. The robot captures their natural behavior with images of unprecedented detail.
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Robots and Whales: Tracking Whales with Quadrotors
from Daniela Rus
(2015/10/8 1:57)
Observing whales is important for marine biology tasks such as taking census, determining family lineage, and general behavior observations.
Currently, whales are observed manually using binoculars and cameras from the shore or from boats, and notes are made using pencil and paper. The process is error prone, non-quantitative and very labor intensive.
We partnered with Roger Payne to observe whales and other marine animals using robots. Between August 20-25 2009, our team deployed a remote controlled Falcon 8 robot over the sea at Peninsula Valdez, Argentina to collect data on Southern Right whales. We used small hovering unmanned aerial vehicles such as the Ascending Technologies Falcon 8 robot to assist in the data collection of whales. The robot is silent enough to fly close above the water?s surface and not disturb the whales. The robot captures their natural behavior with images of unprecedented detail.
Robots and Whales: Tracking Whales with Quadrotors
from Daniela Rus
(2015/10/8 1:57)
Observing whales is important for marine biology tasks such as taking census, determining family lineage, and general behavior observations.
Currently, whales are observed manually using binoculars and cameras from the shore or from boats, and notes are made using pencil and paper. The process is error prone, non-quantitative and very labor intensive.
We partnered with Roger Payne to observe whales and other marine animals using robots. Between August 20-25 2009, our team deployed a remote controlled Falcon 8 robot over the sea at Peninsula Valdez, Argentina to collect data on Southern Right whales. We used small hovering unmanned aerial vehicles such as the Ascending Technologies Falcon 8 robot to assist in the data collection of whales. The robot is silent enough to fly close above the water?s surface and not disturb the whales. The robot captures their natural behavior with images of unprecedented detail.
Robots and Cooking: Bakebot
from Daniela Rus
(2015/10/8 1:54)
The creation of a robot chef represents a grand challenge for the field of robotics. Cooking is one of the most important activities that takes place in the home, and a robotic chef capable of following arbitrary recipes would have many applications in both household and industrial environments.
The kitchen environment is a semi- structured proving ground for algorithms in robotics. It provides many computational challenges, such as accurately perceiving ingredients in cluttered environments, manipulating objects, and engaging in complex activities such as mixing and chopping. We envision a robotic chef, the BakeBot, which can collect recipes online, parse them into a sequence of low-level actions, and execute them for the benefit of its human partners. We are working towards this goal, by combining techniques for object perception, manipulation, and language understanding to develop a novel end-to-end robot system able to follow simple recipes and by experimentally assessing the pe ...