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Research Project: Soft Robots  from Daniela Rus  (2015/12/4 0:10) 
Soft robots provide an opportunity to bridge the gap between machines and people. In contrast to hard bodied robots, soft robots have bodies made out of intrinsically soft and/or extensible materials (e.g. silicone rubbers) that can deform and absorb much of the energy arising from a collision. Soft robots have a continuously deformable structure with muscle-like actuation that emulates biological systems and results in a relatively large number of degrees of freedom as compared to their hard-bodied counterparts. Soft robots have the potential to exhibit unprecedented adaptation, sensitivity, and agility. Soft bodied robots promise to 1) Move with the ability to bend and twist with high curvatures and thus can be used in confined spaces; 2) Deform their bodies in a continuous way and thus achieve motions that emulate biology; 3) Adapt their shape to the environment employing compliant motion and thus manipulate un-modeled objects, or move on rough terrain and exhibit resilience; 4) ...
Research Project: Mobility on Demand with Self-Driving Cars  from Daniela Rus  (2015/12/2 18:21) 
In this project we are developing self-driving cars for customized mobility on demand as part of the SMART program. The objective is to develop data-driven customized transportation. We are developing a fleet of self-driving cars consisting of golf carts and electric cars. Mobility on demand aims to transform transportation into a utility, to be available to anybody, anytime. If you want to go somewhere, you book a ride, the robot car comes to where you are and drives you where you want to go. After dropping you off, the robot car coordinates with the other robots in the system to determine where its next pickup location is and drives itself there. An optimization engine ensures that people?s waiting times, car trajectories, and vehicles in the system are optimized. In October 2014 we conducted a public trial at the Chinese Gardens in Singapore. We invited the public to test our mobility on demand system. During the week long trial over 500 people booked and took rides. The robot ...
Research Project: Mobility on Demand with Self-Driving Cars  from Daniela Rus  (2015/12/2 18:21) 
In this project we are developing self-driving cars for customized mobility on demand as part of the SMART program. The objective is to develop data-driven customized transportation. We are developing a fleet of self-driving cars consisting of golf carts and electric cars. Mobility on demand aims to transform transportation into a utility, to be available to anybody, anytime. If you want to go somewhere, you book a ride, the robot car comes to where you are and drives you where you want to go. After dropping you off, the robot car coordinates with the other robots in the system to determine where its next pickup location is and drives itself there. An optimization engine ensures that people?s waiting times, car trajectories, and vehicles in the system are optimized. In October 2014 we conducted a public trial at the Chinese Gardens in Singapore. We invited the public to test our mobility on demand system. During the week long trial over 500 people booked and took rides. The robot ...
Research Project: Mobility on Demand with Self-Driving Cars  from Daniela Rus  (2015/12/2 18:21) 
In this project we are developing self-driving cars for customized mobility on demand as part of the SMART program. The objective is to develop data-driven customized transportation. We are developing a fleet of self-driving cars consisting of golf carts and electric cars. Mobility on demand aims to transform transportation into a utility, to be available to anybody, anytime. If you want to go somewhere, you book a ride, the robot car comes to where you are and drives you where you want to go. After dropping you off, the robot car coordinates with the other robots in the system to determine where its next pickup location is and drives itself there. An optimization engine ensures that people?s waiting times, car trajectories, and vehicles in the system are optimized. In October 2014 we conducted a public trial at the Chinese Gardens in Singapore. We invited the public to test our mobility on demand system. During the week long trial over 500 people booked and took rides. The robot ...
Research Project: Robot Compiler  from Daniela Rus  (2015/12/1 22:39) 
A great challenge with today?s robots is that it takes a long time to design and fabricate new robots. We need to speed up the creation of robots. Many different types of robots are available today, but each of these robots took many years to produce. The computation, mobility, and manipulation capabilities of robots are tightly coupled to the body of the robot?its hardware system. Since today?s robot bodies are fixed and difficult to extend, the capabilities of each robot are limited by its body. Fabricating new robots, add-on robotic modules, fixtures, or specialized tools to extend capabilities is not a real option, as the process of design, fabrication, assembly, and programming is long and cumbersome. We need the design and fabrication tools that will speed up the fabrication of robots. Imagine creating a robot compiler that takes as input the functional specification of the robot (for example ?I want a robot to play chess with me?) and computes a design that meets the specific ...
Research Project: Robot Compiler  from Daniela Rus  (2015/12/1 22:39) 
A great challenge with today?s robots is that it takes a long time to design and fabricate new robots. We need to speed up the creation of robots. Many different types of robots are available today, but each of these robots took many years to produce. The computation, mobility, and manipulation capabilities of robots are tightly coupled to the body of the robot?its hardware system. Since today?s robot bodies are fixed and difficult to extend, the capabilities of each robot are limited by its body. Fabricating new robots, add-on robotic modules, fixtures, or specialized tools to extend capabilities is not a real option, as the process of design, fabrication, assembly, and programming is long and cumbersome. We need the design and fabrication tools that will speed up the fabrication of robots. Imagine creating a robot compiler that takes as input the functional specification of the robot (for example ?I want a robot to play chess with me?) and computes a design that meets the specific ...
Research Project: Robot Compiler  from Daniela Rus  (2015/12/1 22:39) 
A great challenge with today?s robots is that it takes a long time to design and fabricate new robots. We need to speed up the creation of robots. Many different types of robots are available today, but each of these robots took many years to produce. The computation, mobility, and manipulation capabilities of robots are tightly coupled to the body of the robot?its hardware system. Since today?s robot bodies are fixed and difficult to extend, the capabilities of each robot are limited by its body. Fabricating new robots, add-on robotic modules, fixtures, or specialized tools to extend capabilities is not a real option, as the process of design, fabrication, assembly, and programming is long and cumbersome. We need the design and fabrication tools that will speed up the fabrication of robots. Imagine creating a robot compiler that takes as input the functional specification of the robot (for example ?I want a robot to play chess with me?) and computes a design that meets the specific ...
Fraunhofer und Universität Auckland kooperieren bei bionischem Ellbogengelenk  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2015/12/1 17:30) 
Die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und die neuseeländische University of Auckland werden im Projekt»Bionic Joint«drei Jahre lang zusammenarbeiten?mit dem Ziel, eine neuartige bionische Arm-Orthese für Ellbogen zu entwickeln. Das internationale Projekt startete am 1. Dezember bei einem Kick-off-Treffen im Fraunhofer-Forum Berlin. John Key, Premierminister von Neuseeland, Professor Reimund Neugebauer, Präsident der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und Dr. Urs Schneider, Projektverantwortlicher des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA in Stuttgart stellten dort die Forschungskooperation vor.
Das Selbstversorger-Hausboot  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2015/12/1 8:00) 
Ein Leben abseits von Autolärm und Abgasen?immer mehr Menschen zieht es ans Wasser. Energieautarke schwimmende Häuser erfüllen nicht nur dieses Lebensgefühl, sondern kurbeln auch die Wirtschaft an. In dem Projekt autartec©arbeiten Mittelständler, Industrie, Universitäten sowie zwei Fraunhofer-Institute Hand in Hand.
Türhersteller profitiert von Simulationstools  from Fraunhofer Presseinformationen  (2015/12/1 8:00) 
Einbruchshemmende Türen wärmedämmend zu bauen, ist für Hersteller eine Herausforderung. Ihre komplexe Konstruktion bietet Schlupflöcher für Luftströme. Mit wissenschaftlichen Simulationsmethoden planten Fraunhofer-Forscher eine wärmedämmende Konstruktion am Computer?ohne teuren Prototypenbau.

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