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IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
Last Update 2007/3/18 13:29
The Society is interested in both applied and theoretical issues in robotics and automation. Robotics is here defined to include intelligent machines and systems used, for example, in space exploration, human services, or manufacturing; whereas automation includes the use of automated methods in various applications, for example, factory, office, home, laboratory automation, or transportation systems to improve performance and productivity. Robotics and Automation involves designing and implementing intelligent machines which can do work too dirty, too dangerous, too precise or too tedious for humans. It also pushes the boundary on the level of intelligence and capability for many forms of autonomous, semi-autonomous and teleoperated machines. Intelligent machines have applications in medicine, defense, space and underwater exploration, service industries, disaster relief, manufacturing and assembly and entertainment.
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Roberta - Girls discover robots
Last Update 2006/3/6 13:59
Roberta is the name of the nice looking female robot. The identically named project uses the fascination of robots and their development to convey knowledge about engineering and computer science in an exciting way to pupils, in particular to female pupils. Reference: Monika Müllerburg and Ulrike Petersen, "Robots and Girls - A Promising Alliance", ERCIM News No. 53, April 2003
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Women in Computer Science, University of Minnesota
Last Update 2006/2/1 20:32
Through the efforts of the late Vivian Borst, the Women in Computer Science Program Series (WCS) began in 1998 with a grant from the Office for University Women. The main directive of the program is to promote and enhance the visibility of accomplishments of women in computer science, as well as to address the issues that contribute to the retention and recruitment of women in the sciences. Since funding began in 1998, the women of the department have been meeting to share their experiences, to meet distinguished women of computer science, and to enhance their professional skills. Subsequent funding has come from the Office for University Women.
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IEEE Japan Council Women in Engineering Affinity Group
Last Update 2006/1/12 19:44
IEEE Japan Council Women in Engineering affinity group was officially established May 2, 2005. This is the first WIE affinity group in Japan. The status and advancement of women in the engineering and science professions is the focus of the WIE membership group. Goals include the development of mentoring and educational programs, the publication of relevant information, and special initiatives.
IEEE Japan Council Women in Engineering affinity group cooperates the panel discussion "Women in Robotics towards Human Science and Society".
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University of Minnesota: Office for University Women
Last Update 2006/7/16 0:20
From the "About the OUW" page, the mission of OUW is as follows.
Building on the legacy of the University’s former Commission on Women, the Office for University Women (OUW) a unit of the Office for Multicultural and Academic Affairs, is charged with improving and enhancing the campus climate for women faculty, staff, and students. Working with central administration, University colleges, administrative departments, the Faculty Senate, employee governance groups, and existing women’s programs, OUW seeks to achieve the following goals:
- To address the workplace issues and concerns of women faculty, staff, and students (including recruitment, advancement, mentoring, and retention; professional development and recognition; curricular restructuring; positive campus values and attitudes, and administrative accountability for creating and maintaining a respectful climate for women). - To serve as a catalyst for institutional change and renewal. - To recognize and celebrate women’s contributions and achievements.
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The Mailing List for Female Researchers in Robotics
Last Update 2006/1/12 19:54
More and more female researchers are coming to the field of robotics. It is, however, not so easy to find other female colleagues even if you see them attending the same conference.
To help such people to know each other and set up a network, we have created the mailing list, FRAU. FRAU is a very small mailing list which was started by some students in 1999.
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