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Visit University of Minnesota: Office for University Women Popular site    Last Update 2006/7/16 0:20
Category  Community
From the "About the OUW" page, the mission of OUW is as follows.

Building on the legacy of the University’s former Commission on Women, the Office for University Women (OUW) a unit of the Office for Multicultural and Academic Affairs, is charged with improving and enhancing the campus climate for women faculty, staff, and students. Working with central administration, University colleges, administrative departments, the Faculty Senate, employee governance groups, and existing women’s programs, OUW seeks to achieve the following goals:

- To address the workplace issues and concerns of women faculty, staff, and students (including recruitment, advancement, mentoring, and retention; professional development and recognition; curricular restructuring; positive campus values and attitudes, and administrative accountability for creating and maintaining a respectful climate for women).
- To serve as a catalyst for institutional change and renewal.
- To recognize and celebrate women’s contributions and achievements.

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