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Visit The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-9) Popular site    Last Update 2006/1/12 18:53
Category  Conference
Scope of this conference is as follows (from the top page).
Autonomy and adaptivity are key aspects of truly intelligent artificial systems. New directions of research have recently emerged from the synergetic interaction of many fields, such as cognitive science, operations research, mathematics, robotics, mechanics, electronics, informatics, and economics. One key insight is that to realize both intelligence and autonomy, it is crucial to build real world devices and abstract principles of design from them. The goal of IAS-9 is to lay out new scientific ideas and design principles for artificial systems able to survive in nature and in our society. We expect the conference to stimulate novel research challenges as well as crazy ideas that eventually will lead to more intelligent and autonomous future robots and systems. The conference will cover both the applied as well as the theoretical aspects of intelligent autonomous systems. It will comprise invited talks as well as oral presentations.

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