2007-04-12: BOF (Birds of a Feather) Women Lunch
Poster Mihoko Otake Registed 2007-03-18 13:39 (3273 hits) Date: 2007.4.12(Thu) Time: 12:20-13:50 Place: Aula Minor at the Angelicum University, Roma, Italy Title: BOF (Birds of a Feather) Women Lunch Event: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'07) Type: Special Event Topic: Gender Diversity in Robotics Organizers: Allison Okamura, Danica Kragic, Aude Billard, Nancy Amato, Mihoko Otake, Robin Murphy Invitation:
All ICRA'07 participants are invited to an informal "Birds of a Feather" lunch, at which researchers will lead a discussion of the status, retention, and recruitment of women in the field of robotics and automation. This event takes place on Thursday 12 April, 12:20-13:50, in the Aula Minor at the Angelicum University, during the session break at noon. The lunch, organized by women roboticists, will provide a valuable opportunity for researchers to interact and exchange ideas on gender diversity in robotics. The organizers are particularly interested in sharing strategies for increasing the number of women in the field, and developing mentoring relationships between younger researchers (including graduate students) and senior researchers. Through these interactions, we also hope to answer some questions about what motivates women in this field. This event is open to both men and women who are interested in gender diversity. How to Attend?: The event is open to all ICRA'07 conference participants. We foresee up to 80-100 attendees, for whom complimentary box lunches will be available. Application is strongly recommended, because the number of boxes is limited. Application: Allison Okamura (e-mail: aokamura at jhu dot edu) Please email above with the subject line "BoF Women Lunch". We estimate attendance beforehand. (as soon as possible, hopefully during March 2007) Contact: Danica Kragic (e-mail: dani at kth dot se) More information: Birds of a Feather on Gender Diversity About motivation and discussion topics are available on the webpage. |