Special Issue was published on JRSJ

Date 2006/7/15 16:50:00 | Topic: Women in Robotics and Automation

On July 15 2006, special issue on “Women in Robotics” was published in the Journal of Robotics Society of Japan (JRSJ) (Vol. 24, No.5). The issue contains 12 articles, and 16 women in robotics in Japan, the U.S., Spain, Switzerland and China contributed.
The abstracts and author profiles of the special issue of the JRSJ are available on this website. The articles are ordered by the areas of the authors, from west to east. The article starts from Japan, then goes from west coast to east coast of the U.S., moves to Europe and finishes in China.
For further information, please see the 'Activities' -> 'JRSJ Special Issue' subsection from the Main Menu on the left.

This article comes from Women in Robotics

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