Women in Robotics, Human Science and Technology (1)-2
Event Date: 2006-03-07 13:30
Date: 2006.3.7 (Tue) 13:30-14:00
Speaker: Fumi Seto
Author: Fumi Seto, Yasuhisa Hirata, Kazuhiro Kosuge
Title: Construction of Human-Robot Cooperating System based on Structure/Motion Model
Keywords: Human-Robot Cooperation, Structure/Motion Model, Self-collision, RoBE
Type: Organized Session

Affiliation: Kosuge & Wang Laboratory, Department of Bioengineering and Robotics, Tohoku University
Position: Ph.D Student
Adviser: Professor Kazuhiro Kosuge
Disciplines: Robotics, Human-Robot Cooperation
Societies and Conferences: Student member of IEEE, Student member of The Robotics Society of Japan(RSJ), Associate member of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(JSME).
Bibliography: Fumi Seto, Yasuhisa Hirata, and Kazuhiro Kosuge, "Construction of Human-Robot Cooperating System based on Structure/Motion Model", Intelligent Autonomous Systems 9 T. Arai et al. (Eds.) IOS Press, pp.973--980, 2006.

The purpose of this study is constructing a unified methodology which could deal with many control problems existing in human-robot cooperating systems such as self-collision, collisions with obstacles, singular configurations and so on. To construct such methodology, we could realize safe and highly maneuverable human-robot cooperation as well as human-human cooperation. For this purpose, we propose a concept of "Structure/Motion Models" which represents the structures and their motions of robots, objects in the environment and the partner for the cooperation (humans) . In this paper, we explain "RoBE (Representation of Body by Elastic elements)", one of the modeling methods to construct structure/motion models. Constructing the models by using RoBE, we could deal with the problems of self-collisions and collisions with obstacles with a unified approach. We explain how to solve these control problems as the examples of solving some problems during the human-robot cooperation by using the structure-motion models, and results of these examples illustrate the validity of the concept of the structure/motion model.

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