2006-07-15: JRSJ Author Profile: Alícia Casals
Poster Mihoko Otake Registed 2006-07-16 22:06 (2991 hits) Author: Alícia Casals Affiliation: Technical University of Catalonia Country: Spain Personal Website: Alícia Casals Research Group Website: Intelligent Robotics and Systems Group Bibliography: Alícia Casals, "Medical Robotics: An Exciting Field", Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp.594-596, 2006. Dr. Alícia Casals has been a Professor since 1990 at UPC. Academic activities both in teaching and research in the Automatic Control and Computer Engineering Dep., at UPC. She has been head of the Department and currently responsible of the Robotics and Vision division of the Centre of Research in Biomedical Engineering of Catalonia. The research is oriented to the incorporation of visual and force perception to robotic systems to reinforce human-robot cooperation, mainly in the area of medical robotics. She participates in the PC of many Int. Conferences, or as General Chair. From 2000, she oordinates the Education and Training Key Area of the European Network on Robotics, EURON. In 2003 launches the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE-RAS and currently has several responsibilities in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society.