2006-07-15: JRSJ Author Profile: Lisa Wymore
Poster Mihoko Otake Registed 2006-07-16 21:57 (2755 hits) Author: Lisa Wymore Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley Country: USA Personal Website: Lisa Wymore Bibliography: Ruzena Bajcsy, Klara Nahrstedt and Lisa Wymore, "Humans in Real and Virtual Space: Studies of Interaction and Collaboration Mediated by Information Technology", Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp.573-575, 2006. Lisa Wymore began her graduate study at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where she was awarded a Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship, an Outstanding Achievement Award, and a Moe Family Award for her creativity. After graduating with an M.F.A. in Dance in 1998, she moved to Chicago and began her career as dancer, choreographer, and teacher. She has danced with numerous dance companies as well as independent choreographers. For her choreography, Wymore has been twice awarded Illinois Arts Council Fellowships, and has been awarded several Community Arts Assistant Program Grants from the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs She is working on a project with Vietnamese performance artist in the next two years.
Wymore is the Co-Artistic Director of Smith/Wymore Disappearing Acts; a dance-theater-performance group based in San Francisco. Wymore is now an Assistant Professor at the University of California Berkeley in the Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies where she is collaborating with Ruzena Bajcsy on a project utilizing Tele-Immersion technology. The project is tentatively called the Resonance Project. Wymore is also in the process of finishing her Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis Certification this coming year. |