Women in Robotics, Human Science and Society -4
Event Date: 2006-03-08 11:30
Date: 2006.3.8 (Wed) 11:45-12:00
Speaker: Hisako Ohtsubo, Ph.D
Title: Promoting Gender Equality in the field of Science and Technology in Japan
Affiliation: Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Type: Panel Discussion

Bibliography: Hisako Ohtsubo, "Promoting Gender Equality in the field of Science and Technology in Japan", Women in Robotics towards Human Science, Technology and Society Abstract, No.4, 2006.

The Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering (EPMEWSE) was established by academic societies in the science and engineering disciplines in 2002 in order to promote gender equality in the these fields. A large scale of survey,“Diverse Visions of Scientist and Engineers in the 21st Century -For the Promotion of Gender Equality-”was carried out by EPMEWSE as a project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan in FY2003. The purpose of this survey was to understand the current status of gender equality in the science and engineering fields, and to state the proposal to improve the environment in the society, such as the gender gaps observed in the numbers of the professors in the universities, in the allocation of research resources, and even in the numbers of children that female researchers and engineers could have.
The proposals by EPMEWSE and other scientific communities were offered to the Cabinet Office, Japan Government last year (2005), and some of the issues were accepted in the 3rd Basic Plan for Science and Technology, being described such as ---------- Expand opportunities for female researchers by setting target of 25 % new-employment share of female researchers in average and so forth. Based on this Plan, the government will formulates and decides a plan for the next FY2006 by appropriating a budget of 725 million yen for promotion of women activities in the field of science and engineering. I will summarize these topics in the workshop.

1. EPMEWSE Survey Report: Diverse Visions of Scientific and Engineers in the 21st Century -- For the Promotion of Gender Equality -
2. The 3rd Science and Technology Basic Plan (FY2006-FY2010)
3. The Basic Plan for promotion of the activities of women scientists and engineers

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